Friday, November 29, 2019

Various metal oxides Essay Example

Various metal oxides Essay Aim: Various metal oxides will be added to the hydrogen peroxide and the production of oxygen of the reaction mixture will determine catalysis. The volume of oxygen evolved will be observed and recorded to measure the reaction rate and the reaction rates of the different metal oxides will be compared.Scientific Background: Catalysis is the process by which the activation energy is lowered to allow the reaction to occur at less extreme conditions, during the process the catalyst does not under go any overall change. The catalyst reduces the activation energy by using a chemical route with activation energy less then the route, which would otherwise be taken in the absence of the catalyst. During catalysis the reacting substance usually undergoes a change or changes in oxidation state, therefore the catalyst must also be able to change its oxidation state. The s p block metals possess or exhibit only one oxidation state. The reason being that their oxidation state depends on the remov al of electrons from their outermost shell.The further removal of electrons will result in the penetration of stable inner shells that are filled with electrons. This would require an excessive amount of energy. As a result of this, the catalysts are not able to enter their different oxidation states and this therefore does not allow them to successfully act like a catalyst. Transition metals can form ions, which have D orbitals, which are partially filled with electrons. D orbitals are the outer most shells and they can hold up to 10 electrons and they also have similar energy levels, which allows them to overlap within each other. It is this process which allows the transition metals to have various oxidation states. The orbital possess the same energy, which enables transition metal ions to enter their different oxidation states. This therefore allows them to act as catalysts. As there are more spaces for electrons to be lost and gained the reaction can take place faster and bett er.The general equation for the experiment is:CATALYST2H2O2 O2+2H20From the equation it can be seen that Oxygen is produced in the reaction and this is what is being collected and measured in the gas syringe.Prediction: The transition metal oxides MnO2 (Manganese oxide), ZnO (Zinc Oxide) and CuO (Copper Oxide) will be compared with SiO2 (Silicon Oxide), A12O3 (Aluminium Oxide) and PbO (Lead Oxide) which are transitional metal oxides to see their action on hydrogen peroxide and therefore see if only the transition metal oxide allow catalysis or that all metal oxides allow catalysis for this reaction.Apparatus:In the experiment, 20cm3 of water and 20cm3 of hydrogen peroxide will be used.The above apparatus is easy to use and will give quick results; a stop clock will be used to see how much gas is collected in a given time. The conical flask is used to keep the solution in and the rubber bung is placed on top firmly to prevent any loss of gas, which would obviously affect results.The following oxides will be chosen for the experiment: SiO2, A12O3, PbO, MnO2, ZnO and CuO. 1 gram of each oxide shall be usedSiO2, A12O3 and PbO are not transition metal oxide, whereas MnO2, ZnO and CuO are transition metal oxide. They will be used to compare the catalytic action if any of transition and non-transition metal oxide on hydrogen peroxide.1 gram of each oxide allows a sensible amount of oxide to be used without causing a dangerously vigorous reaction to occur.Variables:The following variables will be controlled throughout the experiment:Temperature can affect the reaction rate of H2O2 decomposition. Two molecules can only react if they have enough energy, by heating a mixture the energy levels will be raised of the molecules involved in the reaction. Therefore, by increasing the temperature the molecules will move faster and collide with each other more quickly. This will increase the rate of reaction and so the temperature will be kept constant throughout the experiment by carrying it out under room temperature.Concentration and volumes of the hydrogen peroxide must be kept constant because if there are more molecules of a particular substance in a certain volume then there is more of a chance of the molecules colliding with each other. The frequency of collisions is increased which increases the rate of reaction. Thus the hydrogen peroxide must be kept constant for each run of the experiment with a metal oxide. The amount of oxide must also be kept constant for the same reasons.Particulate size could affect the rate of reaction as if the particle sizes are larger then the rate of reaction will be slower because there is a smaller surface area for the substance to react on. By crushing the catalysts to have the same particle sizes this can be controlled.The key variable is the one, which will be the one, which is varied in the experiment. In this case it will be the metal oxide used in the experiment, which will be varied.Preliminary Experiment:A p reliminary experiment was carried out using the same apparatus and the catalysts used were manganese oxide, iron oxide and lead (iv) oxide. The manganese oxide worked well as a catalyst but no results could be collected as the reaction went to quickly. This is most probably due to the amount of oxide being too much. No results were collected for iron oxide, and lead (iv) oxide because they did not produce any gas and therefore did not work as catalysts. The apparatus seemed appropriate however, a clamp stand was not used to hold the syringe up and so the apparatus can be modified so that the gas syringe is supported by the clamp stand. The other modifications, which need to be made, are the catalysts being used and amount of oxide. The amount of oxide used in the preliminary experiment was 2 grams and so this can be reduced to 1 gram to decrease the rate of the reaction so that a good set of results can be collected.Method:1 Measure out using a measuring cylinder 20cm3 water and 20 cm3 hydrogen peroxide and add to a conical flask.2- Using the balance to weigh out accurately 1 gram of MnO2.3- Using the filter paper used to weigh the oxide add the oxide to the hydrogen peroxide, and immediately stopper the flask with the connecting tube attached to the bung.4- Immediately start the stop clock and see how much gas is collected the gas evolved will push the syringe itself; therefore do not touch the syringe. Readings should be taken every 10 seconds.5- Record how much gas if any is collected until the syringe stops moving itself.6- Repeat the experiment with MnO2 so three sets of results can be collected to find an average.7- Do 1-6 with the remaining oxides and tabulate the results.Safety:* Hydrogen peroxide is a corrosive liquid and should therefore be used sensibly and eye and skin contact should be prevented.* Manganese IV Oxide is harmful and again skin contact should be avoided.* An overall should be worn when handling hydrogen peroxide.* Goggles should be w orn when adding the oxide to the peroxide, although they are not needed throughout the rest of the experiment.Reliability of Results:* When collecting the gas, the attachment of the rubber bung should be very quick to minimise any loss of gas.* The hydrogen peroxide should be measured out accurately. The oxides should also be weighed accurately using an accurate balance.* The oxides should all be in solid powdered form and not in any other form, as this will effect how the catalysts react with the hydrogen peroxide. If the surface area is different on the catalysts then they will react more/less violently.* The apparatus should be cleaned after each run with water to remove any impurities that may affect the next experiment.* The timing of each experiment should be accurate and a digital stop clock should be used.All theses steps should ensure that reliablePrecision and Accuracy:* The balance is a precision instrument with an accuracy of 0.01 grams. This is sufficient for the task a t hand.* The syringe is accurate to 1cm3, however it can be seen when the syringe marker is halfway through the points so the results can be recorded to an accuracy of 0.5cm3.Results: The following tables show the amount of oxygen evolved from each catalyst and the three readings taken are also listed.Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of gas produced by MnO2 (cm3)Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average109. line graph on the next page shows the average amount of oxygen produced by manganese oxide against time in seconds. Adding up all the readings and dividing by all the readings taken i.e. 3 have found the average.The following table shows the amount of oxygen evolved in a certain amount of time from the catalyst PbO.Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of gas produced by PbO (cm3)Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average104554.72055.55.55.3306666.04076.56.56.7507.576.57.0607.576.57.0707.576.57.0807.576.57.0907.576.57.01007.576.57.01107.576.57.01207.576.57.01307.576.57.01407.576.57.01507.576.57.01607.576.57.01707.576.57.01807.576.57.01907.576.57.02007.576.57.0On the next page is a graph with a line of best fit representing the results in the last column above, which represents the average results.The following table shows the amount of oxygen evolved in a certain amount of time by the catalyst Al2O3.Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of oxygen produced by Al2O3 (cm3)Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average103232.7203232.73032.53.53.0403.543.53.7503.543.53.7603.54.543.87044.544.28044.544.2904544.31004544.31104.55.544.71204. the following page the graph for the results above ha s been included. Only the average results are shown.The following table shows how much gas is evolved from the catalyst Copper Oxide (CuO):Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of oxygen produced by CuO (cm3)Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average102322.3203433.3304544.3405655.3505.575.56.06067.55.56.3706.5866.8807.58.567.3908967.71008.5967.811099.568.21209.51068.51301010.568.8140101169.0150101169.0160101169.0170101169.0180101169.0190101169.0200101169.0The graph on the following page shows the average amount of gas produced by Copper oxide in a certain amount of time.The following table shows the amount of oxygen produced by Silicon Oxide (SiO2) on every run of the experiment.Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of gas produced by SiO2Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average101121.3202232.330333.53.2403.543.53.750453.54.2604.553.54.3704.553.54.3804.553.54.3904.553.54.31004.553.54.31104.553.54.31204.553.54.31304.553.54.31404.553.54.31504.553.54.31604.553.54.31704.553.54.31804.553.54.31904.553.54.32004 .553.54.3The graph on the next page shows the average amount of gas produced by Silicon Oxide.The table shows the amount of oxygen evolved from the hydrogen peroxide solution and the Zinc oxide catalyst.Time from start of exp. (s)Volume of gas produced by ZnO (cm3)Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Average106444.7207.5566.2308677.0409788.05010899.0601191010.070129.51110.88012.51011.511.3901310.51211.810013.51112.512.311014.511.51313.0120151213.513.513016121414.014016121414.015016121414.016016121414.017016121414.018016121414.019016121414.020016121414.0On the next page is a graph to show the average amount of oxygen evolved from zinc oxide and hydrogen peroxide solution.Analysis:It can be seen that there is a pattern in the results and this pattern indicates that as the reaction starts more and more gas is produced but as it continues the reaction begins to slow down and not as much gas is produced as the volume of reactants is decreasing. The reaction finishes when no more oxygen is produced . There is a directly proportional relationship between the time and the volume of gas produced; as time increases more gas is produced however, this is only up to a certain point, when the reaction is running at its highest potential it can no longer produce oxygen. Giving the example of manganese oxide, at 20 seconds it was at 15cm3 and then at 70 seconds it was 49cm3. This re-enforces the conclusion gathered above. However, from the graphs of the other catalysts, it can be seen that they differ from manganese oxide.Each graph has to be analysed individually as they each follow a slightly different pattern. Below each graph has been analysed to further show what they allude to.Graph 1 shows the amount of oxygen evolved with the transition metal catalyst manganese oxide. It can be noticed instantly that as times increases the volume of gas being produced increases however, the gradient of the curve decreases i.e. the volume of oxygen being evolved rapidly decreases. It can be seen that at the beginning the line of best fit is steepest and so this shows that the reaction is running at its best towards the beginning. It can be seen that more gas is being produced at the beginning, if one looks between 20 and 30 seconds the difference between the amounts of gas evolved is 6.8cm3 and between 180 and 190 seconds the difference is 3.4. This shows that the rate of reaction is decreasing because the catalyst can no longer produce anymore oxygen and the reaction is running at its highest. The maximum amount of gas evolved from manganese oxide is 95.5cm3.Graph 2 shows the amount of oxygen evolved with the metal oxide Lead oxide. It can be seen that at first the amount of gas is increasing by a large amount each time but as time goes on the difference in the amount of gas produced is decreasing. This shows that the reaction is slowing down and the reactants have been used up in the reaction so there is no more gas being produced.Graph 3 shows the amount of oxygen evolve d with the metal oxide aluminium oxide. It can be seen that initially there is a steep increase in the volume of gas evolved over the first 10 seconds. There is then a gradual increase over the next 80 seconds after which point the graph begins to plateau. After 160 seconds no more gas is evolved from the reaction as it has produced as much as it can. The reaction has ended as all the reactants have reacted together.Graph 4 shows the amount of oxygen evolved with the transition metal catalyst copper oxide. It can be seen that there is a steady increase in gas that is being evolved. There are very few anomalous results on the graph and they have been circled. They could have occurred due to misreading the gas syringe and recording incorrect results.Graph 5 shows the amount of oxygen evolved with the metal oxide silicon oxide. The gas evolves quite slowly and the reaction completes in 60 seconds.Graph 6 shows the amount of oxygen evolved with the transition metal catalyst zinc oxide. The reaction starts off very quickly and completes in between 130-140 seconds.As the prediction made was to compare the transition metal oxides to metal oxides it could be seen from the graphs that MnO2, CuO and ZnO work best as catalysts as they produce the most amount of gas. The other catalysts did not work as well and did not produce very good results. The reason for the transition metals to work so well is because transition metal atoms have the space and energy to allow the catalysts to have variable oxidation states whereas the other metal oxides are not capable of doing this as they do not have the same set of sub-shells as the transition metal oxides. The transition metal oxides have d-orbitals, which is a sub-shell with similar levels of energy, which allows the electrons to overlap and jump from being in one oxidation state to another. However, the metal oxides do not have d-orbitlas but just S and P sub-shells.Evaluation:The experimental techniques that were used can be said to be suitable for the task at hand. It can be said at with some catalysts the techniques may have been unsuitable however the reason for them being suitable are:1. The results obtained for some of the catalysts shows clear trend and patterns eluding to the fact that the procedure used was suitable.2. The trends and patterns identified directly correlate with the hypothesis at the beginning and the outcome of the procedure expected.3. The procedure allowed the volume of oxygen evolved to be measured.The reliability of results was high as the difference between repeated readings was small which re-enforces the reliability of the results. The procedure allowed all variables to be controlled, the temperature and concentration were maintained well and the particulate size was maintained by crushing the catalysts to the same size. The apparatus allowed precise results to be collected. Evidence for this is that the difference between repeated readings is small and the amount of anoma lous results is small thus the number of errors must be small.The plan and method that was used for this experiment can be said to be very good. The reason being that both fulfilled their intended tasks. Before the investigation, it was desired to find how different metal catalysts affect the rate of reaction and to draw conclusions, which did or did not cohere to the prediction made. This was achieved as it could be seen whether transition metal catalysts and metal catalysts had an affect on the rate of reaction.As in any investigation, errors were present despite the fact that prior to the investigation all such errors were minimised. Below the errors and problems encountered are discussed along with the improvements that could be made to avoid these problems:1. The volume of gas on the syringe could have been misread which would lead to inaccuracy of results. This could be one reason for why some anomalous results would have appeared. This can be avoided by2. The stopper was not being placed on the conical flask quick enough and so much gas was lost during this time. By the time the stopper was placed onto the conical flask, the reaction was coming to an end. To prevent further loss of gas in future experiments the following could be done:* Another individual could be asked to place the stopper on, however in this process some gas will still be lost.* A divider flask could be used which is a conical flask that is split into two sections. If the catalyst is placed in one section and the solution is another the divider flask will allow the reactants to be separate for long enough so that the stopper can be placed on. Once this has been done, the conical flask can be tipped over slightly to let the reactants mix.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Two Camps of Modern Art is about the two main schools of thought in art history from 1945 - current

The Two Camps of Modern Art is about the two main schools of thought in art history from 1945 - current House of Marcel Duchamp's parents in Blainville-Cr...After six years of horror were brought to a close by the atomic bomb, (I am speaking of course of WWII) the new situation in society and the world required a profound change in art, which discarded traditional rules and provided the expected distinction between techniques of expression almost meaningless. From this point on it is no longer possible to speak of "painting": a different horizon opens, one that the masterpieces anticipated but which new artists are now tackling, in unpredictable ways; Modern Art. There is an analogy to the history of art. Modernism in art marks a point before which painters set about representing the world the way it presented itself, painting people and landscapes and historical events just as they would present themselves to the eye. With modernism, the conditions of representation themselves become central, so that art in a way becomes its own subject. This was almost precisely the way in which Clem ent Greenberg defined the matter in his famous 1960 essay "Modernist Painting." "The essence of Modernism," he wrote, "lies, as I see it, in the use of the characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself, not in order to subvert it but in order to entrench it more firmly in its area of competence." Interestingly, Greenberg took as his model of modernist thought the philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Because he was the first to criticize the means itself of criticism, I conceive of Kant as the first real Modernist." Kant did not see philosophy as adding to our knowledge so much as answering the question of how knowledge was possible. And I suppose the corresponding view of painting would have been not to represent the appearances of things so much as answering the question of how painting was possibleModern art...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mid-term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mid-term - Essay Example Faith, in terms of a religion is termed as the acceptance of a religion or beliefs pertaining to a religion. Theology, in contrast to religion is defined as the concept which involves the detailed approach of divine. This proposes a study of God and the divine power. The main aim of theology is to acquire knowledge about the divine power, God. In general terms theology is a part of science which aims at analyzing the divinity. (Kessler, 2007). Theology is study of religion and hence one can study about a religion without being a part of it. A religious study is a field of research which analyzes the properties and concept of religion. It also interprets the difference and similarity among the religions and exhibits the cross religion aspects. It analyzes the individual elements of a religion and describes the nuances in an external manner. Spirituality is referred as a means by which a person realizes himself through several aspects like prayer, yoga and meditation. It can also be na med as the path which combined with religion, helps a person to move forward to the eternal journey of life. These concepts are similar in one or more ways as each one of them relates to the religion and its concepts. Though they are different in their features, they are dependent as religion is the major underlying concept. Though Faith and Religion are considered to be the same, they differ from each other as faith is the ultimate belief on something while religion is something which is manmade. Faith can be considered as the trust and loyalty towards God whereas religion is manmade where a group of people believe in the existence of a superpower. Faith and religion complement each other and thus they coexist. Faith is the belief while religion teaches how to practice this faith. Part II Sacred Power 3 Metaphor is a term which is used for comparing any two distinct terms which do not have any relevance in common. These words do not share any common concept, but they might be simil ar in one of the important ways. Metaphor is used to describe a word by highlighting its similarity to another word. Comparing a noun with another is known as a metaphor. For example, the phrase I am like a flower, exhibits that a person is compared with the flower. Transcendence is a concept that transforms a pattern into another pattern. When considering transcendence in religion, it is considered as the one which transforms the world with the help of religion. Transcendence emphasizes on the fact that God is a supernatural power which is beyond the world’s reach. This term is often used with the study of theology. Metaphors are generally used to illustrate the sacred as transcendent. Immanence is often related with religion and its aspects and it emphasizes on the presence of the God. The divine is considered as the superior aspect and it surpasses all the other existing things in the world. Part III Sacred Actions 5 The five different ways in which humans worship are name d as technological rituals, therapeutic and anti therapeutic rituals, ideological rituals, salvation rituals and revitalization rituals. Technological rituals help in preventing the change of state that occurs in the nature. It is carried out to ensure that the humans are benefited in some way or the other. The example for technological rituals includes conducting prayers for rain and weather. The next type of worship is the therapeutic and a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Case study - Essay Example The Town Council decided to create an Advisory Board to guide and promote the activities of SACC because of the huge gathering of public there. Two Town Councilors, the vice Chancellor of the local University, the CEO of the large electronics company, a representative of SACC’s Bank, 2 local media celebrities, the president of the local Chamber of Commerce and two representatives from the theatre were the council members. Along with growth, problems also started to creep in as the local residents started to complain about the activities that Bernard introduced as they suspected that Bernard had raised the profile of the town through new activities and the interests of the local community had been ignored. As an Employer, the centre had grown significantly and now it employs 60 full-time and 120 part-time employees as well using the university students as temporary employees when special events are held. Moreover, the centre struggled to find a replacement for the retiring Bernard. Former Director of a large Cultural and Performing Arts Centre in Chicago, Calvin Spacey became the Artistic and Managing Director of SACC later. This report explains the change management and leadership policies Calvin should adopt in order to steer SACC out of trouble. â€Å"Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level†(Change management, 2010). SACC is growing rapidly and a new leader has already taken charge. Under such circumstances, changes should be happened in SACC both from individual and organizational level. The essence of any Change Management Policy is ‘effective and efficient communication. Internal and external communication is necessary for an organization to send the messages to the employees and the community and also to receive messages from the community and

Monday, November 18, 2019

The financial crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The financial crisis - Essay Example Lehman Brother’s was one of the major victims of this crisis, and its bankruptcy acted as a catalyst in such a situation. The decline of Lehman Brothers started with the abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act. This is considered as one of the legislative acts which influenced the financial institutional structure of US. This was a seminal event that intensified the financial crisis of 2008. About $10 trillion eroded away from the equity market in 2008 after the bankruptcy event of Lehman Brothers, which was recorded to be the biggest decline of all times. Answer a: Financial Crisis of 2007-2010 The financial crisis of 2007-2010 is considered as one of the worst financial crisis after the Great Depression of 1930s (Coggan, 2007; Minsky, 1992). In this section, the discussion would be specifically on such causes that led to financial crunch Right from lax regulation, housing bubble, credit rating given by the agencies, to subprime mortgage lending, pay structure of the management a nd board, and easy credit facilities, are considered to be the major causes of financial crisis. In this study each aspect will be identified, and flaws in every situation would be evaluated, so as to discuss the grounds for the downfall major financial institutions in the second section. ... However, Gramm-Leach Bliley Act of 1999, also known as Financial Modernization Act, was an abolished part of Glass-Steagall Act of 1993 acted as a force in minimizing the gap between the traditional commercial banking institutions and the modern risky investment banks. It allowed the banks to associate with each other and engage into underwriting activities and security deals (Baily, and Elliott, 2009; The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, 2011). The Commodity Future Modernization Act which was passed in 2000, allowed over the counter derivatives to become self-regulating. Derivative was designed to be a tool that hedged risk associated with investment in securities market. However, this soon turned into a speculative tool (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2012; (Duhigg, 2008). The banks sell the loans to the investment banks, which combine different types of loans such as home loan, car loan, education loan, etc into a complex derivative instrument, called Collateralized De bt Obligations (CDOs), and further sell them in the market to the investors. The borrower of the loans when paid the loan back, the money went straight to the investors. The Sub-prime loans were also popular because it was a high interest loan taken by those who could not afford it. The return and risk of any CDO investor was dependent on the various tranches. The securitization food chain is stated below. Figure 1: Securitisation Food Chain The Credit Default Swaps (CDS) allowed the investors to invest in certain corporations without feeling the heat of direct equity exposure, as can be seen in Figure 1. By 2008 it was found that the outstanding associated with CDS was around $40 trillion, and the over the counter derivative outstanding amount was

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How To Secure Routers And Switches Information Technology Essay

How To Secure Routers And Switches Information Technology Essay You have been approached by your manager give a talk on the Network security standard ISO 17799. Write a short precise detailing the purpose of this document and the main components within parts 1 and 2 of the document. ( Write a brief analysis detailing the possible threats and consequences for a company that does not have an adequate Security Policy. Write a summary of how an Edge router can be configured into a firewall; include detail of how it can be used to filter traffic. Describe the operation of CBAC Detail the encryption techniques that are used in VPN systems and explain how/when they are used. Describe how you can secure/harden routers and switches Router hardening, password requirements, ssh, parser views, etc Port security, vlan hopping, anti-snooping, private vlans Multi-choice Review Questions 1. In which type of attack does the potential intruder attempt to discover and map out systems, services, and vulnerabilities? stake out reconnaissance tapping sniffing 2. Which type of attack prevents a user from accessing the targeted file server? Reconnaissance attack Denial of service attack Prevention of entry attack Disruption of structure attack 3. Which type of action does the ping sweep pose to an organization? eavesdropping reconnaissance denial of service unauthorized access 4. An employee of ABC Company receives an e-mail from a co-worker with an attachment. The employee opens the attachment and receives a call from the network administrator a few minutes later, stating that the employees machine has been attacked and is sending SMTP messages. Which category of attack is this? B) denial of service trojan horse port scanning password attack social engineering 5. What is a major characteristic of a Worm? D) malicious software that copies itself into other executable programs tricks users into running the infected software a set of computer instructions that lies dormant until triggered by a specific event exploits vulnerabilities with the intent of propagating itself across a network 6. A large investment firm has been attacked by a worm. In which order should the network support team perform the steps to mitigate the attack? A) A. inoculation B. treatment C. containment D. quarantine C,A,D,B A,B,C,D A,C,B,D D,A,C,B C,B,A,D 7. At XYZ Company, the policy for network use requires that employees log in to a Windows domain controller when they power on their work computers. Although XYZ does not implement all possible security measures, outgoing traffic is filtered using a firewall. Which security model is the company using? D) open access closed access hybrid access Restrictive access 8. Which three of these are common causes of persistent vulnerabilities in networks? (Choose three.) new exploits in existing software misconfigured hardware or software poor network design changes in the TCP/IP protocol changes in the core routers on the Internet end-user carelessness 9. A new network administrator is assigned the task of conducting a risk assessment of the companys network. The administrator immediately conducts a vulnerability assessment. Which important task should the administrator have completed first? threat identification security level application patch and update deployment asset identification perimeter security upgrade 10. A company deployed a web server on the company DMZ to provide external web services. While reviewing firewall log files, the administrator discovered that a connection was made to the internal e-mail server from the web server in DMZ. After reviewing the e-mail server logs, the administrator discovered that an unauthorized account was created. What type of attack was successfully carried out? phishing port redirection trust exploitation man-in-the-middle 11. Users are unable to access a company server. The system logs show that the server is operating slowly because it is receiving a high level of fake requests for service. Which type of attack is occurring? reconnaissance access DoS worms, viruses, and Trojan horses 12. Which two are examples of Distributed Denial of Service attacks? (Choose two.) B) D) SYN Flood Stacheldraht Ping of Death Smurf WinNuke Targa.c 13. Which two of these are examples of DDoS network attacks? (Choose two.) A) B) smurf attack Tribal Flood Network (TFN) teardrop.c man-in-the-middle attack port redirection social engineering 14. Which two are technological weaknesses that can lead to a breach in an organizations security? (Choose two.) C) D) software compatibility weakness DHCP security weakness TCP/IP protocol weakness operating system weakness LDAP weakness 15. What is the effect of applying this command to a Cisco router? E) router(config)# no service finger UNIX commands are disabled on the router. All TCP/IP services are disabled. PING usage is disabled. Users logged into the router remotely will not be able to see if other users are logged into the router 16. A partial router configuration is shown in the graphic. The network administrator adds the following command at the router prompt. router(config)# security passwords min-length 10 Which of the following is correct? A) The current password will continue to be used as a valid password until changed. No password is required. The current password is invalid and will not allow a login. A password that is at least ten characters long must immediately be implemented for a successful login. 17. The Security Wheel promotes a continuous process to retest and reapply updated security measures. What is the core or à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"hubà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  component of the Security Wheel? D) testing policy monitor improve security policy 18. After providing for all operational requirements of the network, the network support team has determined that the servers should be hardened against security threats so that the network can operate at full potential. At which stage of the network life cycle does server hardening occur? E) planning design implementation operation optimization 19. A network administrator installs a new stateful firewall. Which type of security solution is this? secure connectivity threat defense policy enforcement trust and identity authentication 20. XYZ Company recently adopted software for installation on critical servers that will detect malicious attacks as they occur. In addition, the software will stop the execution of the attacks and send an alarm to the network administrator. Which technology does this software utilize? host-based intrusion detection host-based intrusion protection host-based intrusion prevention host-based intrusion notification 21. A security team is charged with hardening network devices. What must be accomplished first before deciding how to configure security on any device? Audit all relevant network devices. Document all router configurations. Create or update security policies. Complete a vulnerability assessment. 22. Which two objectives must a security policy accomplish? (Choose two.) provide a checklist for the installation of secure servers describe how the firewall must be configured document the resources to be protected identify the security objectives of the organization identify the specific tasks involved in hardening a router 23. Which router command will result in the router only accepting passwords of 16 characters or more? service password-encryption enable secret min-length 16 security passwords min-length 16 security passwords max-length 16 24. Which command will encrypt all passwords in the router configuration file? D) enable secret password encrypt all enable password-encryption service password-encryption no clear-text password 25. MD5 can be used for authenticating routing protocol updates for which three protocols? (Choose three.) B), D) E) RIPv1 RIPv2 IGRP EIGRP BGP 26. Which configuration will allow an administrator to access the console port using a password of password? B) router(config)# line aux 0 router(config-line)# login router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# login router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# access router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line vty 0 router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line vty 0 router(config-line)# access router(config-line)# password password 27. Which command sets the inactivity timer, for a particular line or group of lines, to four minutes and fifteen seconds? E router(config)# line-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# line-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# exec-timeout 255 router(config-line)# timeout 255 router(config-line)# exec-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# line-timeout 255 28. Which encryption type uses the MD5 hash algorithm? Type 0 Type 1 Type 5 Type 7 29. Which privilege level has the most access to the Cisco IOS? level 0 level 1 level 7 level 15 level 16 level 20 30. Which algorithm implements stateful connection control through the PIX Security Appliance? Network Address Translation Algorithm Access Control Security Algorithm Adaptive Security Algorithm Spanning Tree Protocol Algorithm 31. The Cisco Security Device Manager (SDM) allows administrators to securely configure supported routers by using which security protocol in Microsoft Internet Explorer? B) IPSec SSL SSH L2TP PPTP 32. A network administrator has received a Cisco PIX Security Appliance from another division within the company. The existing configuration has IP addresses that will cause problems on the network. What command sequence will successfully clear all the existing IP addresses and configure a new IP address on ethernet0? B) pix1(config)# clear ip all pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# clear ip pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# no ip address pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# clear ip pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address 33. A network team is configuring a Cisco PIX Security Appliance for NAT so that local addresses are translated. The team is creating a global address pool using a subnet of network with a 27-bit mask. What is the proper syntax to set up this global address pool? B) pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 34. A network administrator has configured an access control list on the Cisco PIX Security Appliance that allows inside hosts to ping outside hosts for troubleshooting. Which debug command can be used to troubleshoot if pings between hosts are not successful? debug icmp inside outside debug ping debug icmp trace debug trace icmp 35. Which protocol provides time synchronization? STP TSP NTP SMTP L2TP 36. Which command would configure a PIX Security Appliance to send syslog messages from its inside interface to a syslog server with the IP address of D pixfirewall(config)# syslog inside pixfirewall(config)# logging inside pixfirewall(config)# syslog host inside pixfirewall(config)# logging host inside 37. The configuration in the graphic has been entered into a PIX Security Appliance with three interfaces. The interfaces are inside, outside, and DMZ. What source address range will the traffic from inside devices use when they access devices in the DMZ? to to to to to 38. What source IP address will the traffic from devices in the network have when they leave the trusted network? C) always always if ports are available, or if ports are exhausted if ports are available, or if ports are exhausted 39. The commands in the graphic have been entered into a PIX Security Appliance. Which two statements are accurate descriptions of what will happen to outgoing traffic when it leaves the trusted network? (Choose two.) B) C) The source IP address will be from a pool of addresses in the to range. The source port will be a random port above port 1023. The source IP address will be for all outgoing traffic. The source port will be port 1024. The source IP address will be in the range to 40. Interface Ethernet3 on a PIX Security Appliance has been configured with three subinterfaces to pass tagged traffic from three different VLANs. What protocol will be used to tag the VLAN traffic? ISL 802.1x VTP 802.1q 41. Which two commands will configure a static default route on the PIX Security Appliance in the network shown in the graphic? (Choose two.) route inside outside 1 route outside 1 ip route inside outside 0 0 1 route outside 0 0 1 ip route inside outside 0 0 1 route outside 0 0 1 42. How are transactions between a RADIUS client and a RADIUS server authenticated? by using a shared secret which is never sent over the network by hashing the secret using MD5 and then sending it over the network by hashing the secret using MD4 and then sending it over the network by using a clear-text password and then sending it over the network 43. RADIUS uses which transport layer protocol? C) IP TCP UDP ICMP DLC 44. Which authentication method is susceptible to playback attacks? C) passwords using S/KEY passwords using token card passwords requiring periodic change passwords using one-time password technology 45. Which authentication method sends passwords over the network in clear text yet protects against eavesdropping and password cracking attacks? C) authentication with FTP authentication with Telnet authentication with S/KEY authentication in POP3 e-mail 46. After a security audit, network managers realized that the authentication method used by their telecommuting employees needed to be improved. They set up a server and installed client software on the employee laptops of their remote users. They also provided a device for each remote user that generated a password every time they needed to make a remote network connection. Which authentication technology does this process describe? B) authentication with S/KEY authentication with token card authentication with encrypted password authentication with compressed password 47. What function does a digital certificate offer to information security? C) authorization accounting nonrepudiation intrusion prevention 48. Bookline Inc., an online bookstore, recently installed a web server running Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. Where should the company obtain a digital signature for the web server in order to assure customers that they are connecting to Booklines server and not an impersonating web server? a digital signature generated by the CA in Microsofts corporate headquarters a digital signature generated by the CA from a trusted third party a digital signature generated by the CA from a government agency a digital signature generated by any CA that establishes a secure connection 49. A large law firm wishes to secure dialup access to its corporate network for employees working at home. Since much of the data to be transmitted is highly confidential, the firm requires a high level of encryption and also prefers that each component of AAA be provided separately. Which security protocol best meets these requirements? TACACS XTACACS TACACS+ RADIUS 50. What are three reasons TACACS+ is preferred over RADIUS for authentication services? (Choose three.) RADIUS has limited name space for attributes. RADIUS is not an industry supported standard. TACACS+ encrypts the entire TACACS+ packet. TACACS+ authentication is included with more recent Windows Server versions. TACACS+ separates authentication and authorization. RADIUS uses TCP as a transport protocol creating additional overhead 51. A static username/password authentication method is susceptible to which three types of attacks? (Choose three.) playback theft teardrop syn flood eavesdropping 52. Company security policy requires the use of a centralized AAA server for network access authentication. Which two protocols are supported by the AAA server? (Choose two.) C) D) IPSec SSL RADIUS TACACS+ SSH 53. Which three are functions of AAA? (Choose three.) A), C) E) accounting availability authentication architecture authorization accessibility 54. A network administrator wishes to use port-level authentication technology to determine network access and assign IP addresses from different DHCP pools to authenticated and unauthenticated users. What standardized framework supports this objective? A) IEEE 802.1x IEEE 802.11af IEEE 802.1q IEEE 802.1p 55. What will be the result of executing the command in the graphic? C) The default login method will use TACACS+ only. TACACS+ accounting will be enabled at login. The enable password will be used if a TACACS+ server is not available. The default TACACS+ user shell will be enabled. 56. Which AAA service reduces IT operating costs by providing detailed reporting and monitoring of network user behavior, and also by keeping a record of every access connection and device configuration change across the network? authentication accreditation accounting authorization 57. What tool should you use to add a single user account to the Cisco Secure ACS for Windows user database? database replication Unknown User Policy RDBMS Synchronization Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface 58. Refer to the exhibit. Which two services can the network access server use to direct requests from the remote user to the Cisco Secure ACS authentication service? (Choose two.) CSAuth CSUtil RADIUS RDBMS TACACS+ 59. RTA(config)# tacacs-server key [emailprotected]? RTA(config)# tacacs-server host RTA(config)# tacacs-server host What will be the effect of these commands on router RTA? C) The TACACS+ server is now authenticating for the hosts and The TACACS+ server key has been exported to the hosts and The TACACS+ servers and and the router have been set to share the same authentication key. The TACACS+ servers are and and the configuration adds router RTA as a third TACACS+ server. 60. RTA(config)# aaa new-model RTA(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ enable After entering the configuration shown, the administrator loses the connection to the router before having the chance to create a new TACACS+ account. What is the easiest way for the administrator to regain administrative access to router RTA? C) Connect to the router, and use the default TACACS+ username and password. Erase NVRAM, and redo the configuration from scratch. Connect to the router, and supply the enable password. Perform a password recovery procedure on the router 61. Which command associates the group MYGROUP with the AAA server using the TACACS+ protocol? D) Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server MYGROUP tacacs+ protocol Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server protocol tacacs+ MYGROUP Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server tacacs+ protocol MYGROUP Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server MYGROUP protocol tacacs+ 62. Which configuration command defines the association of initiating HTTP protocol traffic with an authentication proxy name MYPROXY? C) Router(config)# ip auth-proxy MYPROXY http Router(config)# auth-proxy MYPROXY ip http Router(config)# ip auth-proxy name MYPROXY http Router(config)# auth-proxy name MYPROXY ip http 63. With the following configuration command, how long does the PIX Security Appliance try to access the AAA server before choosing the next AAA server if there is no response from aaa-server MYTACACS (inside) host secretkey 12 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds 64. Which command will enable AAA services on a router? B Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa set enable Router(config)# aaa new-model enable 65. What is the default timeout in minutes for the inactivity-timer parameter of the ip auth-proxy command? 15 30 45 60 90 66. The network administrator configured the aaa authorization command below on the PIX Security Appliance. What is the effect of this command? pix(config)# aaa authorization include tcp/22 outside auth1 FTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. SSH traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. HTTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. SMTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. 67. Which type of authentication is being used when authentication is required via the PIX Security Appliance before direct traffic flow is allowed between users and the company web server? C) access authentication console access authentication cut-through proxy authentication tunnel access authentication 68. What will be the effect in the router after these configuration commands are entered? B) Router(config)# ip auth-proxy name aprule http Router(config)# interface ethernet0 Router(config-if)# ip auth-proxy aprule An authentication proxy rule called aprule is created making all authentication proxy services available only through the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for the HTTP protocol and is associated with the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for all protocols except the HTTP protocol and is associated with the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for the HTTP server running internally to the router and is associated with anyone attempting to access the web server from the ethernet0 interface. 69. When Cisco IOS Firewall authentication proxy is enabled, a user sends HTTP traffic which will trigger the authentication proxy. What is the first action taken by the proxy? C) The user will be asked to supply a valid username and password. The TACACS+ server will be contacted to see if the user is a valid user. The authentication proxy will check to see if the user has already been authenticated. If the authentication proxy has no user account for the user, it will check to see if a default guest user has been defined. 70. A TACACS+ server is configured to provide authentication, authorization, and accounting. The IP address of the server is, and the AAA authentication encryption key is S3crtK3y. Which command sequence will configure a Cisco router to communicate with the TACACS+ server? D) Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa authentication default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server host Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa authentication default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# tacacs-server host Router(config)# tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server host Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# tacacs-server host Router(config)# tacacs-server key S3crtK3y 71. The lead network administrator notices that unknown users have made router configuration changes. These changes are adversely affecting the network. Which command can be entered on the router to help identify future configuration changes and who made these changes? aaa accounting show uauth aaa accounting console aaa accounting match 72. Refer to the exhibit. Since ABC, Inc. is strengthening security, a PIX Security Appliance firewall must be configured with AAA services. Accounting should be provided for all FTP and HTTP traffic from any host to the WWW server at Which command sequence would successfully process the desired traffic to the NY_ACS accounting server? A pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside NY_ACS pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting access-list 110 outside pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside NY_ACS pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside 73. Which command displays the current authenticated users, the host IP to which they are bound, and any cached IP and port authorization information on a Cisco PIX Security Appliance configured for AAA? B) pixfirewall(config)# show aaa all pixfirewall(config)# show uauth pixfirewall(config)# show aaa statistics pixfirewall(config)# show aaa-server 74. A user has initiated an HTTP session through a firewall and has been authenticated by an authentication proxy. They have not generated any traffic in a while and the idle timer has expired for that user. What will the user have to do to allow them to go through the firewall again? D) The user can manually restart the idle timer. The user can simply TFTP their user profile to t

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Food Poisoning :: essays research papers

You know, when you eat an egg, and it doesn't taste right, look right or smell right? Well that means that it could be contaminated with a dangerous substance (Like Chelsea). Food poisoning is the result of ingesting organisms or toxins in your food. Food poisoning can affect one person, or it can occur as an outbreak among several people who all ate the same thing. Even though food poisoning is quite rare in North America, 60 to 80 million people get affected by food poisoning each year, and 6 to 8 million die from it each year. It mainly occurs at picnics, school cafeterias, or at big social events, like parties with food at them. These are all cases where food is contaminated by something, or it isn't prepared correctly. Most of the time, people get contaminated by under-cooked meats or expired dairy products. Bacterias also cause deadly poisoning. Most cases are caused by common bacteria (see Jonathan's speech) like Staphylococcus or E. coli. The main evil ones are Staph Aureus, E. coli enteritis, salmonella, shigella, campy lobacter, cholera, botulism, listeria, bacillus cereus and yersina (gee, funny names!). Kids (like me) and the elderly, (like Mr. Bark), and people with diabetes, heart disorders or kidney disease, have a much higher chance of having deadly symptoms from bacteria in our food. In places like Africa, there are many more diseases that can affect Canadians, because there are many bacterias that our bodies aren't used to. It is also warmer and there are lots of insects that can carry the diseases around.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And now for the symptoms of being poisoned (this is my favorite part). Depending on what exactly your stupid brain told you to eat, the symptoms vary.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mystic Monk Coffee Case Analysis Essay

Mystic Monk Coffee is a company established by Father Daniel Mary, the Prior of the Carmelite Order of monks in Clark, Wyoming. The monks are a group of 13 living in a small home. Coffee sales are used to support the brotherhood and to eventually prepare for expansion of the order. Coffee is produced using high quality fair trade Arabica and fair trade/organic Arabica beans. There are many popular flavors such as Mystical Chants of Carmel, Cowboy Blend, Royal Rum Pecan, and Mystic Monk Blend. The company’s traditional target market has been the segment of the U.S. Catholic population who drinks coffee and supports the monastery’s mission. Industry Analysis The approximate number of coffee consumers in the United Stated is 150 million and 89 percent of those drinkers prefer to make coffee at home rather than purchase from franchises. Of the consumers who drink coffee at home, approximately 30 percent prefer premium specialty coffees that sell for $7 to $10 per 12-ounce package. These coffees are made from high quality Arabica beans rather that low quality, bitter Arabica beans. Mystic Monk Coffee is among the distributors that produces a higher quality product. Company Mission The current mission is to produce a high quality product that is marketed to the segment of the U.S. catholic population who drink coffee and wish to support the monastery’s mission. The monks make their appeal by asking the Catholics to use their Catholic coffee dollar for â€Å"Christ and his Catholic church.† This is published on the website. Company Objective Mystic Monk Coffee has a primary goal of transforming the small brotherhood of 13 monks lining in the small home to include accommodations for 30 monks. There is a property in the Rockies with an asking price of $8.9 million. The monks currently have a donation of $250,000 and a plan to raise the remainder of the funds. There are currently more than 500 inquiries who want to be considered to become a Wyoming Carmelite and Father Prior Daniel Mary wished to accept a select few when he is able to expand. Company Strategy The company primarily uses word of mouth as a means of sales and increase of revenue. Sales are generated primarily from online orders. Mystic Monk also offers non-secular websites commissions on sales made to customers directed to the website. The website and its affiliates help the company to earn a net profit margin average 11 percent of revenues. SWOT Strengths: * The price is reasonable. The average premium brand coffee is sold for $7 to $10 dollars per 12 ounce package. Mystic Monk Coffee averages $9.95 per 12 ounce bag and all purchases over $25 qualifies for free shipping. * The monks are dedicated to making the coffee. Everyone at the company has the same goal and this is to further the revenue of the company in hopes of expanding to better serve God. Weaknesses: * The Carmelite Order currently has the production capacity of 540 pounds per day and the demand will soon exceed the production capacity. The production is also limited due to prayer and meditation throughout the day. * Advertisement is primarily by word of mouth. There are consumers who would try the coffee because it is of high quality and good price but do not know about it. Opportunity: * Through the sale of its coffee, the Carmelite Monks may realize their dream of purchasing the Irma Lake Ranch. * Donations made by individual supporters will help to fund the purchase of the land. * Expansion of the brotherhood through the purchase of a larger parcel of land. Threat: * Some people may not purchase the coffee because of the religious affiliation. * The price of the coffee may increase after the purchase of new land. *FINANCIALS NOT AVAILABLE Problem Scope The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming would like to purchase a ranch that would greatly increase its operations. The order currently has 13 monks working to produce coffee for sale and has a production capacity of 540 pounds per day. The company is sustainable because the monks have a specific goal in mind and all are on the same page when trying to reach the goal of the purchase. I selected this problem because although the company makes great sales, sales will not be enough to purchase the land. The company does not effectively advertise itself and will need to improve advertisement to increase sales. Problem: The mission of the company is tied to the vision of the company. Father Daniel Mary realizes that the monastery environment is a unique challenge to the business because of the limited hours of production and also the limited access to the outside world. Although the monks are highly secluded, they manage to sell their coffee although it is mainly sold to Catholic believers. Solution: Mystic Monk Coffee can begin to be offered in small shops in the United States. I would not recommend supermarkets at this time because of the limitations of production. As sales increase, revenue generated from increased sales will help with the purchase of new property and the coffee can then be offered in a limited amount of supermarkets. With the purchase of new land, there will also be an increase in labor and production with the addition of new monks to the order. Problem: Mystic Monk Coffee has a target market of the U.S. Catholic population who drank coffee and wished to support the monastery’s mission. Solution: Mystic Monk Coffee should expand its target market. It can do this by targeting not only Catholics but all coffee drinkers in the U.S. who value price and quality. Most people enjoy a good cup of inexpensive coffee. The emphasis should not be on the support of the monastery’s mission but should focus on great coffee for a reasonable price. By doing this, the Monks would increase sales and eventually be able to purchase a larger property. Challenges: The monks may feel they are compromising their beliefs by focusing more on the coffee than their stated religious mission. If the monks focus on the fact that they are running a company that will eventually generate the sales needed to further their mission, this may ease the feelings. The monks may also want to increase their order by two to increase production and earn more money. Summary Although Mystic Monk Coffee has a unique set of variables, they will be successful in increasing sales and purchasing the land.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Maasai Culture v American Culture

In the tribal villages of eastern Africa the Maasai marriages are arranged by the elders without ever first consulting the bride or the mother of the bride to be. Unlike, that of my own culture in the United States of America, where I am free as a citizen to choose whomever I may choose to marry and when and if I may marry. Polygyny is that of which is practiced in the Maasai culture, as an ideal that is achieved only by that of the elder men of the tribe. Unfortunately, as a result ofthemen being much older at the time of marriage, most women become widows, knowing that it is understood that they should never remarry again. Although, I myself practice monogamy, as it is tradition in my culture and that of what is expected by me, my community, and my family. A young girl's childhood in Maasai culture is dominated by a strict avoidance of her father and other elders. Her marriage prospects and her family's reputation hinges on her ability to develop an accurate sense of respect in her community. She is socialized from birth to accept her service to her future husband as an elder and to all other elders in the community. The father is the key figure in the patriarchal family. Theoretically, his control is absolute only to the interference by close senior elders. It is tradition in Maasai culture that as long as the father is alive, no son has final control over his cattle or over his choice in marriage. It is practiced that as the younger men of the community age, the older men begin to rely on their sons to take over the management of the family. After a husband's death, the widow is then subordinate to her sons in the management of her herd. If she has no sons; she is unprotected. As this idea is not practiced in my own community, where typicallythe roles of the head of house hold is shared among husband and wife equally. Inheritance of property and land is dispersed thru the doctrine of a will written out before death or handled in the courts of law. Although, respect is greatly admired and sought out upon in my community, it does not determine the stance of potential marriages and families in the community. A young girls childhood is shared by the love and affection of a girl’s father and elders, not that of fear and solitude. Love, high morals, and affection is that of which typical childhoods are instilled with upon their growing up in my society. Similar to that of my own culture, the marriage ceremonyis one of the longest and most celebrated ceremonies in the Maasai community. It begins by a man showing interest in a woman and giving her a chain, called an olpisiai, similar in retrospect as that of an engagement ring in American society. Likewise, as the word of this proposal circulates the family as well as the community waits for the initial proceedings to begin. The Maasai man does this by finding women of his own age who will bring a gift of alcohol to the mother of the girl. This first stage called esirit enkoshoke indicates to everyone that the girl is now engaged. After some odd time, the man has to make his intentions clear again once more. By presenting a gift of alcohol to the girl's father, the man has shown this once again, as the alcohol will be brought by the same women who brought the other gift of alcohol to the women earlier. The gift of alcohol is called enkiroret, which the father of the intended bride drinks with his brothers and then summons the man asking him to declare his initial interest and to speak of the woman he wishes to marry. If the family agrees to the man's request, both parties officially establish a relationship, and the wedding planning begins to take foot. In the Maasai community and as in mine, marriage is considered very important. However, when two people are brought together to become a husband and wife in the Maasai community, the newlyweds are expected to live with each other forever; divorce is not an option. Once the Maasai man has chosen and paid for his wife he is then allowed to bring gifts to the woman's family. By first giving the presents as he sees fit, to a final point where it will become clear to those in the community that he has taken an interest in the well-being of the girl's family and that she is not to be readily available. These gifts the Maasai man has given to the girl will create the bride-to-be’s dowry, the purpose of which is not to create wealth for the bride's family, but rather to legalize the marriage. By the man putting his mark on that family, he is making itso that if anyone else tries to approach the family and offer a bride price, it will have been made clear that the girl has already been given away to another family and is spoken for. Like that of an engagement ring or wedding band worn by both the men and women in my community, as it is displaying to everyone that they are spoken for and are not available to others in the community. As the wedding day begins in Maasai culture the groom brings the bride price, including three cows, of which two are female and one is male and all are black, and two sheep, one female and the other male. The male sheep is to be slaughtered during the wedding day to remove its rich fats and oils, which will then later be applied to the wedding dress. The remaining’s of the oil is put in a container for the bride to carry to her new home after the wedding in her husband's kraal. The morning of the wedding, the bride's head is shaved and anointed with lamb fat. She is decorated similarly to that of my own culture by beautiful beaded decorations, and her wedding dress. Although unlike wise, her dress is made by relatives in the community and her mother, making the wedding dress an expression of community, not individuality. The bride is also blessed by the elders using alcohol and milk, and she is led from her family's kraal to her new home, in the kraal of her husband. There, she will enter the house of her husband's mother, where she will stay for the next two days, during which time the groom may not sleep with her or eat food in the house she is staying in. Finally, after those two days, the wife's head is shaved once more by her husband's mother, and the wedding ceremony is finally over; the man and woman are married elders. Concluding that although both cultures differ greatly in their practices and expectations there are still similarities to be understood. Both cultures dually express and display their affection towards one another in some public manor or display. Even if our ideals and morals are different, the feelings that everyone wants to be with their true love forever is evident.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Finding Forrester essays

Finding Forrester essays Wonderful. That was my first though after watching Finding Forrester. The story was great and they did a flawless job on casting the actors. The fact that Jamal missed the two free throws to and caused his team to lose the championship basketball game was important to illustrate an example. It showed that although schools do often favor their athletes in a scholastic manor by helping them keep their grades, there is a right way to handle these matters and that only the strong athletes would not take advantage of those types of situation. It showed that he was stronger than the professors and that they cannot get what they want though bribery. This movie slightly reminded me of Save the Last Dance. Except the roles were switched, the black male, Jamal, was the new student and the white female, Claire Spencer was the student that was mainly the first and only friend at the school. Despite of this the theme and the story were great. One part of the movie Finding Forrester that I distinctly remember was when Forrester was telling Jamal that when you are writing a paper or essay you need to write and not think, you think when you revise your first draft. Within the recent years I have noticed that movies have truly begun to emotionally move me. I have watched movies such as Enemy at the Gate, which made me want to take a course in history. With this motivation I was propelled to look into a history course that was offered at the Sacramento City College. The comedy Meet the Parents changed my desire to have a girlfriend for this movie made me not want to meet the parents of any future girlfriend. Likewise, after watching this movie I became motivated to complete one piece of English homework, a reading and analysis on one of Platos ideas, that I have been stuck on for a couple of days. This movie motivated me to reattempt to do this assignment because I felt that I was thinking too much ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Preschool Childrens Reading Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Preschool Childrens Reading - Research Paper Example The importance of motivating children’s reading in information this technology era. Reading is integral in the process of educating children (Alderman, 2013). However, for children to read and study effectively they need an incentive that would lure them into the process (Brock et al., 2008). Therefore, the imperativeness of motivating their reading is of utmost importance (Blachowicz et al., 2006). The reading techniques, teaching procedures, curriculum contents and the aesthetic environment are also foremost. Technological factors can also be incorporated into reading with regard to the era of dynamic technological advancements (Brock et al., 2008). The significance of preschool educators in promoting children’s reading is highly related to children’s language, social, emotional, and aesthetic development (Becker, McElvany & Kortenbruck, 2010). While trying to promote children’s reading habits, the educator’s should take the popular language into consideration.Children are likely to enjoy readings that are encrypted in a language that they can easily relate to (Bishop et al., 2010). Understanding is integral in the reading process and relevant reading languages foster the children’s understanding of the materials that they are reading. Social and emotional aspects also have a bearing on children’s reading habits. Therefore, educators should consider the children’s attitudes towards reading because this is a core indicator of their emotions towards the same.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Research Paper Example egmenting the customers and identifying the target market and the gap analysis (identify the lacking) are the part of identifying the strategies (Kozami, 2002). B&G Food is a well-known brand all over the United States, and its current position in the market is stable i.e. there is no potential for growth and no possible decline in the market for B&G products. There is a need for urgent actions in order to increase the opportunities to expand and also grasp the market share. B&G being a very old company in the market, and it has the potential to grasp the most of the market share. B&G Foods is lacking with some of its core plans that need to be amended and reconsidered. For example, their Promotional and Marketing Strategies are not well designed and implemented. The need of establishing new products and service outlets is essential. Moreover, hiring skilled and specialized workforce and conducting training and development programs for employees are essential. B&G Foods can also expand its product line to attract new customers. B&G Foods has to maintain a proper Promotional and Marketing strategy. The potential consumers would get to know the products and services through the promotions, and the overall sales could be raised. The mediums that can be utilized by B&G Foods can be the online advertisement, TV commercials, newspapers ads, promoting the products and services through billboards, etc. Once the strategies are being followed, the core part is to monitor them and evaluate the outcomes. It will help better in implementation, and the feedback of the consumers can also be gathered regarding the particular strategy. There is a need of hiring skillful management. The process of the recruitment must be strict, and the best candidates must be selected for the Job. The skilled workforce for marketing and promotional strategies will help handle the work effectively and efficiently. The other benefit of hiring an expert workforce is that the new and attractive